Better Business Bureau & The Breeze

The Breeze was founded to serve the community, to be a platform where organizations can have their important messages delivered, and for our artists to always have a stage to be heard. From the music we play, to our trusted and loved on air personalities, The Breeze is a safe zone for families, where content is never embarrassing, and the businesses that are represented are accredited.

And that is where the partnership with the Better Business Bureau begins.

By fully vetting the businesses to be an accredited member, the BBB only represents the highest business ethics. In today's world where new scams are developed using the most sophisticated technologies available, a professional observer is needed to help you avoid trouble. That's where the BBB is your watchdog. They can't help you if you are scammed...but they are there to help you avoid it. Through thousands of vetted customer reviews that have been verified (remember Google reviews don't verify anything), and being aware of the over 2600 accredited businesses, The BBB hopes to further get their best business practices out to the public through The Breeze.

With hundreds of contacts with the non profit organizations who are combating the myriad of social problems of our community, the BBB is bringing together community and business leaders to discuss and create solutions. Conversations sparked by ignite are helping to implement a better way for our community, and through the BBB, participants have their messages delivered to the public with access to The Breeze.

In total, The Breeze/ BBB program gives the community a great platform to inform the public and through the talents of great communicators and music programmers, provide exceptional entertainment to be heard throughout the day, and taken with you wherever you are, throughout the United States and over 200 countries around the world.

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